Just Is Not Just.

Photo by Paul Green 

Photo by Paul Green 

When I was in theatre school, my professor told a story that has resonated with me throughout my entire career in the people business. It went a little something like this…

Many years ago, during the curtain call of Swan Lake at the Royal Opera House in London, the prima ballerina abruptly stopped the music and applause. She made a request for the theatre technician, who was responsible for controlling the front curtain, to join her onstage. It took several minutes for this person to abide to the unorthodox request to make his way down, as he was stationed high above the stage in what is called the cat walk. He sheepishly came out of the darkness and joined her centre stage. He was dressed in black, covered in dust and sweat, with callouses on his hands from years of pulling the ancient ropes that raised the curtain for his prima ballerinas.

She whispered in his ear, “take your bow.” With trepidation he bowed his head, and as he did the conductor ignited the orchestra and the audience of 2,256 souls stood and erupted into a rousing applause. It is believed that his tears have stained the Opera House stage and remain there for all who look close enough.

Recently in a learning session, I asked the team to tell me about their roles. One gentleman replied with simply, “I’m just a Sales Coordinator.” I immediately stopped this person and reminded him that he wasn’t “JUST a” Sales Coordinator. Probing, I asked him to describe his daily tasks and after a 10-minute monologue, I solidified my point with, “does all of that sound like – JUST a Sales Coordinator?”

Lightbulb Moment: The finest and most precious possession to a customer centric business is your people. Its reputation, well-being and success are in the calloused hands of all your employees. Sometimes only one person holds your entire brand in the balance. Whether it be your front desk agent, sales person, custodian, phone operator, server, or general manager, everyone on your team is telling the story of your brand. A high performer with tenure, a new employee or a low performer; every person and every role matters. It’s a different journey to the same desired destination. 

If you are reading this and serve as a leader, or are on the front line of your organization, take time today to acknowledge someone who is raising the curtain for you to shine. I guarantee, you will make their day, their week, their year. Giving gratitude is a key foundation to providing a world-class customer/employee experience.

If you are reading this and have found yourself using the words “JUST a” when you tell people what you do, Stop! Remove those five letters from your title, as I imagine they're not on your name tag or contract. You are part of a beautifully woven tapestry that serves a profound purpose. If your thread was missing, the tapestry would certainly unravel.

You aren’t “just” anything. You are everything! Now stand up and take a bow.


Gratitude Rocks.


The $500,000 Biscotti.