Concerts in Care.

When I was a full time performer, singing had always helped me fill my passion for providing a positive, memorable, sometimes life changing experience for people. Very much in line with what I believe is at the root of an illuminated Customer + Employee Experience.

I was fortunate to have been influenced by fabulous Grandparents as a child. Because of them, I’ve always had a special connection with our elderly community. Right now, millions of Grandma’s, Grandpa’s, and family members are isolated in care homes and needing connection due to this terrible disease.

Music is a source of joy for so many, and truly a tool that connects generations. Before COVID-19 hit, I enjoyed the privilege of visiting senior living facilities around the Greater Vancouver area, and sharing my love of the Great American songbook. Being able to connect with this important generation fulfilled me in so many ways. When the pandemic hit, not only did I want to continue to share music but bring a smile to someone who might not have any other human connection in their day.

In my efforts to give back and contribute in a small, but impactful way - I’m honoured to have partnered with an incredible organization called Health Arts Society and the brilliant accompanist Ms. Karen Lee-Morlang. Thank you for having me - the pleasure was all mine!

Have a couple of minutes and need a pick-me-up? Join Karen and I as we serenade you at home! I hope this 25 minutes of entertainment gives you an escape from life in quarantine, and gets you humming the tunes of the Great American Songbook. Enjoy!


Service From A Distance.


Gratitude Rocks.